Forgiving Yourself

Forgiving Yourself

Who Are You To Forgive Yourself? And if you did, how do you know that you are forgiven?  Forgiving vs. Punishing Yourself (Based on: How to Forgive Ourselves Totally  – by RT Kendall) 1. Only God can forgive, but once God has forgiven you, He wants you to...
Guilt, Psuedoguilt and Shame

Guilt, Psuedoguilt and Shame

A Closer Look At Guilt, Pseudoguilt and Shame This section uses excerpts from “How to Forgive Ourselves Totally” by RT Kendall. 1. True guilt that comes from God is a valid sense of shame for having done what you knew was wrong. This can be dealt with by confession...
Forgiving Others

Forgiving Others

Forgiveness is a choice.  Forgiveness is not a feeling.  Truth is you don’t often feel like forgiving, but doing so is always an act of your will.  While much can be accomplished through a single declaration of forgiveness, it rarely is a one-time transaction.  You...

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